Figuier : 'miljska figa '

Genre - Fruit : Ficus carica - Figue

Informations de la variété

  • Ficus carica L.

  • Figuier

  • Mujžanka

  • Miljska fig also has other names, most commonly Mujžanka, Mivšca, Ravanka, Črnica or Plavica.
    She abundantly and regularly gives birth, ripens from the end of August, throughout September and often in October. The fruits are smaller, sweet, aromatic, succulent and very full of taste. It is resistant to cracking and acidification. Fruits are good tearing the stalks.

    It has an attractive appearance and the most appreciated on the market in the autumn. It is also suitable for drying.

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Variété modifié le 3 septembre 2021