Figuier : 'petit negri '

Genre - Fruit : Ficus carica - Figue

Informations de la variété

  • Ficus carica L.

  • Figuier

  • The fruit of Petite Negri, which translates to the little black fig, is anything but little as it produces large to medium sized black to dark purple fruit with amber flesh and strawberry to purple pulp with excellent flavor. The Petite side is that this is a dwarf tree that is a good choice for containers and it is known to produce fruit even at a very young age. The eye is small to closed so this should minimize spoiling of the fruit. Small productive and hardy.

    Petite Negri is also known by the names Petit Negri and Petite Negra.

    Fig trees do best where they get at least 8 hours of direct sun per day. Once well established they are fairly drought tolerant but extended dry periods can cause leaf and fruit drop as well as early dormancy. A deep organic mulch will help to alleviate extremes in moisture levels, reduce nematode issues, as well as to reduce competition from weeds.

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Variété modifié le 3 septembre 2021