Hybride de kaki : 'pamjať Černjaeva '

Genre - Fruit : x Diospyros kaki - Kaki hybride

Informations de la variété

  • x Diospyros kaki

  • Hybride de kaki

  • NOVELTY!! (orig. Monument to Chernyayva). Valery Chernjaev from Simferopol was an enthusiastic promoter of hybrid churma in the Crimea and surrounding areas in the 1990s. He is the co-author of this new variety, which was named in his honor. It has very large spherical fruits, which reach up to 320g. Medium early, at optimal harvest, can be stored until January. Authors V. Chernjaev and V. Děrevjanko. Winter resistance: -21 ° C

  • It has very large spherical fruits, which reach up to 320g.

  • Ukrain

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Variété modifié le 1 septembre 2021