Genre - Fruit : Malus domestica - Pomme

Informations de la variété

  • Malus domestica Borkh.

  • Pommier

  • Origin: Lonjon ( London Pepingen Jonathan x ) is a Slovenian and Yugoslav variety, officially recognized and registered in the register of new varieties in 1975. Crucifixion in 1949 at the Institute of fruit growing in Maribor task J. Priol , selection was continued and completed by J. Blackie .

    Growth: A tree growing medium dense , slightly more volume, suppleness of Idared . For slender spindle plantations on sandy loam suits them best basis for M 26 , slightly less MM 106 The M 9 , especially in heavy soils , grow weak . For semi-intensive crops and round crown correspond to the basis of the MM 111 and planter . Against scab is medium resistant to mold jablanovo to medium sensitive . Sensitive for the winter and spring frost , so it should not be planted in hollows , but at higher mild sloping , sunny position .

    Flowering and fertilization : Blooms mid late . Is a diploid variety . Pollinated by prima , coke , Golden Delicious , Gloster , Delicious et al. In the first years of the birth lonjon itself diluted in full production , it is necessary to dilute the chemical plodiče or at least manually , otherwise the fruits predrobni and be in clusters .

    Fertility : The MM 106 and M 26 , begets in the third year . For lonjon typically in the early years of abundant blooms and only moderately born after the tenth year, abundantly and quite regularly . We recommend a double harvest .
    Maturation and durability. Ripens in late September or early October , but is applicable from November to mid-March .

    Fruit: Fruits are medium-sized , flat round shape . The stalk is short . In the above-average fertility fruit without dilution oust moderate . The basic color is green to yellow green , ripening around the new year it becomes golden yellow . Lovely bright red color of the slight IMPLIED stripes covering up to three quarters of the surface of the skin. The flesh is firm , juicy, delicious taste renetnega , with a fine aroma. When tasting is to taste often reaching the best estimate . Harvested by an extremely easy and fast , so that the work performance far above average . Fruits at harvest are very strong and resistant to solar bruising , very well tolerated shipping . Lonjon is a high-quality apple for fresh consumption . Consumers that learn by re- purchasing closures . Healthy fruits very little rot .

    Periode de fructification : Septembre - Octobre -
    Periode de conservation : Janvier - Février - Mars - Novembre - Décembre -

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Variété modifié le 28 août 2021