Genre - Fruit : Malus domestica - Pomme

Informations de la variété

  • Malus Spp

  • Pommiers

  • Grows moderately strongly or even weakly, creates raised, moderately dense crowns with a large number of shoots. It starts bearing fruit early and bears moderately abundant but rather regular fruit. It blooms early (flower buds may be damaged by spring frosts - in Poland);

  • Medium size, sometimes small, spherical, slightly flattened, regular and even. Medium thick, shiny, greenish-yellow skin with a slight wax coating, covered on 50-90% of the surface with a dark red, cherry, washed-striped blush. Lenticels indistinct, fine, greyish-white. Stalk short to medium long and medium thick. Shallow to medium-deep peduncle, quite wide, slightly russet. The socket recess is quite shallow and medium wide. Small, closed cup. Chalice plots short. Medium-sized seed chambers, partially open. Seeds sparse, medium-sized, slightly elongated, light brown;

  • The flesh is creamy-white or white, with a slight greenish tinge, fine-grained, loose, juicy, sour, slightly aromatic, tasty.

  • Dessert

  • scab - resistant
    mildew - medium to high
    fire blight - low
    bark and wood diseases - low
    storage diseases - medium

  • Canadian variety, selected from hybrids of McIntosh variety and TSR1 T187 seedling (PRI 1018-3). Breeding work on this variety began in Sturgeon Bay (Wisconsin) in 1963 and was completed in 1976 at the Kentville Experimental Station (author: A.D. Crow). For cultivation in Canada introduced in 1978.

  • Pollinators: Cortland, Cortland Wicki, Freedom, Golden Delicious, Golden Delicious Reinders, James Grieve, Jonathan, Lired, Lobo, Red Delicious, Spartan, Starking, Starkrimson, Szampion, Szampion Arno, Szampion Reno, Warta, Wellspur Delicious

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Variété modifié le 31 mai 2024